Wednesday, January 8th, 2025
- No Closings or Delays
Inclement Weather Policy
Prudential Judgment should always be used.
- No event, including Mass, requires your attendance if you feel that weather conditions are dangerous. It is your right and responsibility to determine whether it is safe and/or wise to travel when road conditions may be hazardous.
- Those who choose not to travel because of unsafe conditions are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass.
Mass and Confession will almost never be canceled due to weather conditions.
- Our priests live on campus, and a great many from our parish live within walking distance. However, in exceptional circumstances such as extreme weather conditions, power outage, or facility problems it may be necessary to cancel Mass. In such cases, information about cancellations will be made available via email, our website, and social media as early possible.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Letter to the Faithful from Bishop Robert Brennan
Dear friends,
The recent surge of the delta variant of the COVID-19 coronavirus is showing its effects throughout the twenty three counties of the diocese. I don’t need to recite these effects as they are well reported. The good news is that we have learned how to live with this virus and mitigate its effects. As always I join with the Holy Father in urging all those who are eligible for the vaccine to consult with their physician to consider getting the vaccine. I also urge anyone not feeling well, even if they are not sure if they actually have the coronavirus, please to stay home until you can be certain that you do not have it. I remind you that while there is no longer a dispensation from the Sunday obligation, anyone not feeling well or concerned about their own health or that of other family or household members is already exempt from that obligation.
I understand that there are strong feelings, even convictions, about the different protocols for mitigating the virus and frustration about the changing guidance. These feelings often put individuals at odds with one another. Last year Churches were included in a statewide mandate regarding masks. That is not the case this year. What I ask at this point is that we exercise prudence and charity in these weeks in which we are dealing with this surge. In that spirit I am asking that we wear masks at Mass and at indoor parish activities for the time being, continue to practice good measures of hygiene such as the use of hand sanitizers, and that we exercise extra patience with one another during this tense time. The Office of Catholic Schools will continue to work with particular schools to meet the differing needs and regulations in the various communities. The people of this diocese overwhelmingly have been extraordinary in showing that charity and patience – I am proud to be associated with you and deeply grateful for your goodness.
In the meantime let’s pray for all those suffering with illness of any kind, for those who have died, their families, care takers and all those who serve in healthcare.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop Brennan
Tuesday, June 15th, 2021
saturday 5:00pm mass permanently discontinued
My dear brothers and sisters,
During the past year, the Diocese of Columbus began a process of self-study and evaluation of the precious resources we have available to us in our 23 counties: our people and clergy, our parishes and schools, our finances and evangelization efforts. We began by evaluating the number of priests versus the number of parishes and offices/ministries that are currently operating in our diocese. We have also been studying the trends of Mass attendance, baptisms, funerals, weddings, etc., that each parish have been celebrating over the past few decades.
The trends have proven to be fairly consistent across the diocese. We have discovered that, in general, there has been an average reduction in Mass attendance of almost 17% over the past 10 years, and the decline is steeper for the past 20 years. Then, of course, COVID-19 happened, which has dramatically affected Mass attendance across the world and locally in our diocese.
We have also seen a drastic reduction in the number of active priests serving in our diocese. To maintain the current number of parishes, and diocesan offices/ministries, we would need at least 120 priests; currently we have 89 active priests for 108 parishes and the forecast for the number of priestly ordinations is on a decline over the next 10 years, while the number of priests eligible for retirement from active ministry continues to rise.
Given these statistics, Bishop Brennan has begun a long-range strategic planning process that will lead to a comprehensive Diocesan Pastoral Plan. This plan will take shape over the next year or so, then it will be strategically implemented, most likely in stages, over the next few years. While I don’t know what will be in the plan, until the strategic planning process is complete, we will likely see the closure of some of our parishes and schools, the consolidation of others, a diocesan-wide evangelization initiative similar to what we are doing here at St. Catharine, priest personnel changes, and a host of other efforts for the good our people, priests, and the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I ask that you keep Bishop Brennan and this planning process in your daily prayers.
Due to the decline of Mass attendance across the diocese, and the decline of available priests, Bishop Brennan has asked parishes to consider reducing the number of weekend Masses. He has also asked parishes that are closest to one another geographically, to consider modifying their weekend Mass schedules so they start at different times, in case some parishioners in a local area would better benefit from this variety.
As a result, and after consulting with the Parish Leadership Team, the Diocese, and surrounding parishes, we will make the reduction in the number of weekend Masses from 4 to 3 permanent and the Saturday Vigil Mass will not be returning.
Please note that Vigil Masses are available at various parishes nearby including Christ the King at 4:00pm, St. Thomas at 5:00pm and St. Joseph Cathedral at 5:15pm, among others.
We know that these changes are less than ideal and some struggle with change. However, across the diocese, change has happened, due to the decline in our priest personnel available and the decline in Mass attendance. I pray that we are more committed than ever in our history to growing as Christians together and reaching out to our many family members, friends, and neighbors, to lead them to Jesus Christ.
Even though we are experiencing these changes, we will not decline in our commitment to re-evangelize our parishioners and our town, and offer a wide variety of opportunities to made disciples and disciple-makers.
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Thursday, May 13th
Obligation to Attend Mass Resumes june 6
My dear brothers and sisters,
The Ohio Conference of Catholic Bishops have released a statement reimposing the obligation to attend Sunday Mass beginning the weekend of June 5-6. The bishops state, "Together, the Bishops of Ohio have decided that the general obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (including the Saturday/Vigil Mass) is to be reinstated (CIC, can. 1247). This will take effect in each of the Dioceses of Ohio the weekend of June 5-6, 2021. As has always been the case, those who have a serious reason are exempt from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2181). This includes those who are ill, have significant health risk factors or care for someone who is immuno-compromised or ill, as well as those who have significant fear or anxiety of contracting the coronavirus in a large group of persons." I have attached the entire statement to this email.
In addition, the Diocese has requested that we remove the ropes that block off every other pew in order to accommodate more people as they return to Mass. That will be done immediately. We ask that you still try to maintain at least 3 feet between households and, as of right now, the health order in Ohio to wear masks will be in place until June 2.
I have prayed for this moment to come for some time now and am happy that we have been able to get to this point. The bishops talk about the weight of the Sunday obligation when they state, "The book of Exodus reminds us to keep holy the Sabbath day (Exodus 20: 8-10). As Catholics, we are invited by God to gather together in community, and participate fully in the Sunday Eucharist, which is the 'source and summit of the Christian life.'"
Jesus waits for you at the Mass. Hope to see you there!
Fr. Dury
Wednesday, November 18th
In-person events except Mass, Confession, & Adoration currently postponed
My dear brothers and sisters,
Following the 21-day statewide curfew beginning Friday November 19, today it was reported that the City of Columbus and Franklin County will be under a stay-at-home advisory beginning Friday and lasting for 28 days, which would be Friday, December 18.
This is an advisory, not an order. Still, in the interest of prudence and in the interest of helping to slow the spread we take this advisory seriously. For this reason, the following policies will be effective immediately.
Worship remains essential for us. Our current sacramental schedule including Mass, Adoration, Confession, and Baptisms will remain the same.
The 11:00am Sunday Mass will continue to be live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages.
The Adoration Chapel will remain open, but please remember to wear a face covering, keep socially distanced and sanitize your hands upon entering and exiting the chapel. A maximum of 6 people are permitted in the chapel at any time.
In issuing the advisory, Dr. Roberts indicated that schools should continue their current mode of instruction. Therefore, St. Catharine School will continue on its current plan. Thanks to our teachers, administration and Mr. Watts for doing such a wonderful job at keeping our students safe.
The Parish Office will be CLOSED at least until December 21st. Our staff will work from home and answer emails and voicemails. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
All meetings at the parish are to be moved to virtual or canceled. While this is not an exhaustive list, this would include Knights of Columbus, Bible Studies, Youth Ministry and Men’s Breakfast.
The Diocesan Recreation Association has announced that all basketball practices and games are postponed. Other extracurricular actives are canceled or held remotely.
The Christmas Tree Lot will open this Saturday. Even though it is outdoors, everyone is still asked to keep socially distanced and wear a face covering when social distancing is not possible.
The Drive-Thru Irish Dinner on Saturday, November 21st and the Mass of Inclusion with Bishop Brennan on Sunday, November 22nd at 5:00pm are still happening. The SPICE Mass will be live-streamed. Thanks for your support for this important ministry.
Wreaths ordered through the school wreath sale are available for pick up this Sunday after the 8:30 and 11:00 Masses. They are available in the garage near the playground.
Please know you are all in my prayers and let us pray especially for those who are suffering from COVID-19. This is certainly a difficult time, but let us remember that Jesus Christ is there to strengthen and sustain us. He loves us more than we can imagine.
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Friday, September 18th
Sunday Mass Simulcast in Parish Center
Here are the latest updates on our schedule and safety protocols:
Please continue to wear a face covering and practice physical distancing for all in-person events at St. Catharine.
Mass Simulcast in Parish Center
Each Sunday Mass is now being simulcast in the Parish Center. If you are looking for plenty of physical distance and the opportunity to receive Holy Communion this is a great option. (see picture below)
Sunday Mass Times
8:30am • 11:00am • 5:00pm
11:00am Mass will continue to be broadcast on YouTube and Facebook. So be sure to like and subscribe to our pages.
Tuesday | 6:30pm-7:30pm
Thursday | 7:00pm-8:00pm (ADORE Night)
Fr. Dury is in the baptistry and Fr. Kessler is in the library/hospitality room. Please line up along the side walls. No appointment is necessary.
Public Mass resumed Monday, May 25
Mass will be offered according to a NEW schedule:
- Sunday
- 8:30am
- 11:00am
- 5:00pm
Saturday 5:00pm (Vigil) has been suspended as of June 7th, 2020.
- Monday-Friday
- 8:00am
- Saturday
- 8:30am
We will continue to livestream 11:00am Sunday Mass every week, and we will occasionally livestream Daily Mass.
Confession Schedule
Confessions will now be heard in the Church library and Baptistry located at the rear of the Church. No appointment is necessary.
- 6:30pm-7:30pm
- 7:00pm-8:00pm
If you are not feeling well, please stay home. This is for the health and safety of all. You are also asked to wear a mask during your confession. In addition, we ask that you do not use this opportunity for confession to seek counseling. If you need to speak with a priest about counseling on a particular issue in your life, please make an appointment to discuss this with him outside of the confession setting.
Receive text and email updates
If you would like to receive text message and email updates from St. Catharine text "gould" to 84576 or fill out the form below.
Livestream on Facebook and YouTube
During this time of physical distancing we want you to remain spiritually close to Jesus and His Church.
Please join us on YouTube or Facebook for Holy Mass, other times of prayer, Q&A opportunities, and much more:
- Sunday Mass live-stream at 11:00am
Tuesday, June 9, 5:45pm
saturday 5:00pm mass suspended indefinitely
My dear brothers and sisters,
I hope you are all well. It has been great to be able to see some of you again at Mass! As we prepared to open our church again for the offering of public Masses, we were uncertain as to the numbers of people who would come. Many parishes around the Diocese eliminated some Mass times expecting much lower attendance. We were hesitant to do so initially because of the uncertainty involved. It has become obvious, however, that many are still hesitant to come back right away.
We have had very low Mass attendance (around 1/3 of what we normally would get on a weekend). The Saturday Vigil Mass is especially small. I believe last weekend we had only around 40 attend. This has put some strain on finding sufficient numbers of ministers to assist at all 4 weekend Masses.
With all this in mind, effective immediately, we will no longer be offering our 5:00 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday evenings. This is due not only to decreased Mass attendance and conservation of resources, but also as part of a collaborative effort within the Diocese to better coordinate Mass times and locations. I know that some of us will feel a loss of routine and convenience. We invite you to come to one of our Sunday Masses being offered at 8:30am, 11am and 5pm.
Please understand also that in this time we are doing our best to work with other parishes in our area. As you may be aware, Christ the King has a 4:00 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday and St. Thomas has a 5pm Vigil Mass. If you choose to attend, you will be able to drop St. Catharine envelopes in their offertory and they will get to the right place. The same courtesy will be extended to Christ the King or St. Thomas parishioners who attend our Sunday Masses now that Christ the King and St. Thomas both have suspended one of their Sunday morning Masses.
Again, I wish to thank you for your understanding and patience as we enter into a "new normal". Thank you for your prayers, support and amazing faith.
May God reward all of you,
Fr. Dury
On this page
Below you will find:
- The latest updates from Fr. Dury
- A helpful FAQ to answer questions you might have
- Easy ways to begin online giving
- St. Catharine social media
Latest update from Fr. Dury
Please pray this prayer composed by Pope Francis daily for the end to the COVID-19 pandemic:
O Mary,
You always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,
who at the cross took part in Jesus' pain, keeping your faith firm.
You, Salvation of Your People, know what we need,
and we are sure you will provide
so that, as in Cana of Galilee,
we may return to joy and to feasting
after this time of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform to the will of the Father
and to do as we are told by Jesus,
who has taken upon himself our sufferings
and carried our sorrows
to lead us, through the cross,
to the joy of the resurrection.
Saturday, May 9, 1:15pm
church opening and public mass resuming
I have some great news to share with you!
We will be opening the church for personal prayer beginning Monday, May 11.
The church will be unlocked the following hours:
- Monday-Friday
- 8:00am-3:00pm
- Saturdays and Sundays
- 12:00pm-5:00pm
Public Mass will resume Monday, May 25.
Masses will be offered according to our normal schedule:
- Monday-Friday
- 8:00am
- Saturday
- 8:30am
- Sunday
- Saturday 5:00pm (Vigil)
- Sunday 8:30am • 11:00am • 5:00pm
Those attending Mass are asked to abide by the following protocols:
- Physical distancing before, during, and after Mass. Physical (safe or social) distancing is defined as maintaining six feet separation between others. Members of the same family are not bound by safe distancing.
- Those attending Mass are asked to wear a face covering, unless they are under the age of two. You are asked to bring your own mask. We will have some on hand if needed.
- The reception of Holy Communion in the hand is strongly encouraged.
- Sanitize your hands upon entering the church. Please bring your own hand sanitizer, if possible, as our supply is limited.
In addition, the following precautions will be taken at Mass:
- Our hospitality team members will be trained and asked to sanitize the pews after every Mass. Every other pew will be roped off to assist with physical distancing.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will be required to wear masks when distributing Holy Communion and use hand sanitizer immediately preceding and following distribution.
- No hymnals or missalettes will be used.
- No sign of peace
- No distribution of the Precious Blood
- No passing around of the collection baskets. Baskets will be placed at the entrances of the church. You are encourage to give electronically at
- No altar servers or choir
- The holy water fonts will remain empty. If you would like holy water, there is a container of holy water at the main entrance to fill your containers.
- Hosts in sacred vessels will be placed at the side of the altar for consecration and not immediately in front of the priest celebrant
- The Quieting Room (Cry Room) will not be accessible due to its confining space
- Only 2 people at a time permitted in a restroom
Please remember that Bishop Brennan has dispensed the Catholic faithful who reside in the Diocese of Columbus and all other Catholics currently in its territories from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass until September 13, 2020.
Those who are “high risk” are especially those highly susceptible to COVID or those who manifest symptoms of COVID. Those “susceptible to COVID,” include those over the age of 70 or those who have serious health conditions. If you fall into this category, you may wish to remain home and watch the Mass live-streamed at
We will continue to live-stream our Masses for the foreseeable future.
I hope to see many of you soon!
Fr. Dury
Wednesday, May 6, 4:28pm
My dear brothers and sisters,
In this month of May we are invited to turn in a particular way to Our Blessed Mother through our devotions and prayers. I was so happy to be able to pray this morning with a couple of our school children, our school principal, Mrs. Weisner, and second grade teacher, Mrs. Underwood, in veneration of the Virgin Mary. We live-streamed the crowning of the Blessed Mother as Queen of our School and Parish. It brings me back to my own grade school days (that seems like a long time ago)! Let us continue to ask for her intercession as we navigate through highly anxious and stressful times.
In this month of Mary I invite you to consider praying at least one decade of the Rosary each day this month. Perhaps also you could consider joining us in praying a Rosary together as a family once a week after our Sunday live-streaming Mass.
Speaking of Masses, it is our hope that later this month public Masses will resume.This Friday all the priests of the Diocese will be meeting with Bishop Brennan over Zoom to discuss the best methods by which we can do this safely. I can't wait to be able to offer Mass with many of you there! You are my family and I miss you very much.
Remember also that I am hearing confessions Tuesdays and Fridays from 4:30-6:30 in the school gym. If you wish to go, please call 614-458-8299. Inform the person you would like to schedule a time for confession and they will give you the list of times available. You do not need to give your name. More information on Confession Protocol can be found at
God bless you all and hope to see you soon!
Fr. Dury
Wednesday, April 29, 4:43pm
Confessions resume friday, may 1st
My dear brothers and sisters,
I have some great news to report! Confessions will be made available this Friday around the Diocese!
I will be hearing confessions on Tuesday and Friday afternoon and evenings. Confessions will be on an appointment-basis only and will take place in the school gym. Please do not walk in for confession. We are following this procedure to help maintain a healthy and safe environment.
To make an appointment, call 614-458-8299. Inform the person you would like to schedule a time for confession and they will give you the list of times available. You do not need to give your name.
If you are not feeling well, please stay home. This is for the health and safety of all. You are also asked to wear a mask during your confession. In addition, we ask that you do not use this opportunity for confession to seek counseling. If you need to speak with a priest about counseling on a particular issue in your life, please make an appointment to discuss this with him outside of the confession setting.
Here are the specific steps for your confession:
1. Arrive in the church parking lot near the school gym entrance 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time. We will be using the west door of the school gym. We ask you park facing the gym wall with the St. Catharine School logo on it.
2. Remain in your car until a volunteer signals that it is time for the you to come to the waiting location in the gym.
3. Wait at the gym door entrance (a small mat will identify the waiting place) until the priest is available. We will only allow one person in the waiting area of the gym at a time; all others with appointments must wait in their car.
4. Walk to the designated location behind the priest, remain standing, then confess your sins.
5. Please exit the building as soon as your confession has been heard.
Other confession times and locations are available as well. You can view these at
Here is a link to help prepare yourself for the Sacrament:
I am praying for you all and hope that you will consider finding God's love and mercy for you in this wonderful Sacrament of healing.
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Tuesday, April 28, 11:54am
Public Mass suspended until may 29
My dear brothers and sisters,
In consultation with State health officials and Governor DeWine, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio have decided to extend the suspension of public Masses until May 29.
I know that this is difficult news to hear and so it is for me as well. But there is light at the end of this tunnel!
Please continue to watch our live-streaming liturgies on YouTube or Facebook.
Some good news to report. It seems confessions may resume by appointment next week. I will be sending updates soon with more information.
Remember tomorrow is our patronal Feast Day! We will celebrate St. Catharine’s life and ask for her intercession in a special way tomorrow beginning with holy Mass at 7pm with special prayers to St. Catharine and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament immediately following. A School Mass will be offered at 9am as well for all of our teachers, parents, students and anyone else who wishes to tune-in! So please join us for this great celebration tomorrow!
You remain in my prayers,
Fr. Dury
Thursday, April 9, 1:43pm
My dear brothers and sisters,
Happy Feast of The Lord's Supper! Today we celebrate the institution of the Most Holy Eucharist, the Ministerial Priesthood, and the mandate of Our Lord to love and serve our neighbor.
Please join us in this celebration as we offer the Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7pm. This will be live-streamed at and
On this day we recount the great example of Our Lord when he washed His Apostles' feet. I wish to share with you a couple ways that you too can serve and love your brothers and sisters.
First, you can give monetarily to our St. Vincent de Paul Society. This wonderful ministry of our parish helps those in need by giving them the resources they lack in order to keep their utilities on, pay their month's rent, eat, or acquire clothing. This ministry helps our brothers and sisters to experience the compassion and love of God. You can contribute at click on "OSV Online Giving" and designate your gift to go to our St. Vincent de Paul Society. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Second, our Care on Call Ministry will be hosting a drive-thru food drive for local food pantries Saturday, April 18 from 10am - Noon. You're asked not to make a special trip to the store, but combine it with an already scheduled one. When you arrive please stay in your car, and one of our volunteers will take the groceries from the trunk of your vehicle. The food will go to so many who find themselves in difficult circumstances. Thank you and our volunteers so much!
Again, I wish you a Happy Feast Day as we celebrate the greatest gift we have ever received: Our Lord present in the Most Holy Eucharist. Soon you will be able to receive Him again.
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Saturday, April 4, 2:33pm
holy week and easter update
My dear brothers and sisters,
As we prepare to enter in the holiest of all weeks, we are readying ourselves to enter into the suffering and death of Our Lord. In many ways this Holy Week is unlike any other before, except for maybe the first one. Think about it. The disciples of Jesus thought for sure that Christ was indeed the Anointed One, the One Who was long awaited, the One Who came to save them. And then, Jesus is arrested and put to death. Many thought all was lost and that darkness, sin and death were victorious...until Easter Sunday. On that day, new life, new joy was finally realized! Can you imagine the joy in the hearts of the disciples when they realize Jesus is in fact alive?! The light always defeats the darkness in Christ Jesus.
And so we too perhaps feel the weight of suffering and like the Apostles feel despair. But my dear friends, despair not. The light is coming, victory is near. Put your faith in Christ and in His Divine Providence. In Christ, victory is ours!
I invite you to join us tomorrow as we begin Holy Week and enter into the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. We will offer Palm Sunday Mass at 11am. You can tune in at
Here is the full Holy Week schedule:
Palm Sunday, 11:00am - Holy Mass
Monday, 11:00am - Holy Mass
Tuesday, 11:00am - Holy Mass
Wednesday, 11:00am - Holy Mass
The Sacred Paschal Triduum
- Holy Thursday
- 7:00pm • Mass of the Lord's Supper
- Good Friday
- 12:00 noon • Liturgy of the Lord's Passion (St. Joseph Cathedral)
- 3:00pm • Chaplet of Divine Mercy Novena
- 7:00pm • Stations of the Cross
- Holy Saturday
- 12:00 noon • Seven Sorrows of Mary Devotion
- 8:00pm • Easter Vigil Mass (St. Joseph Cathedral)
- Easter Sunday
- 11:00am - Holy Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord
*All events live from St. Catharine unless otherwise noted
I also wish to encourage you to participate in a diocesan wide mission Monday-Wednesday of Holy Week. Father Michael Kelly, Director of Spiritual Formation, from the Pontifical College Josephinum will be leading this. Here is the schedule of topics and where you can listen or watch the live-stream:
Monday, April 6 - Our Response to This Particular Holy Week
Tuesday, April 7 - The Evil that Challenged the Last Supper
Wednesday, April 8 - The Blessed Virgin Mary Guiding Us Through Holy Week
Broadcasts each day at 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on St. Gabriel Radio, 820 AM
Live-stream at, Diocesan Facebook page, and Diocesan YouTube Channel. All the liturgies from St. Joseph Cathedral can be found at those same media outlets.
In addition, the Chrism Mass with Bishop Brennan from St. Joseph's Cathedral will be offered at 9:00am Thursday, April 9 and can be viewed or listened to via those same outlets listed above.
You continue to be in my prayers. I miss you very much, but I have faith that soon we'll be at the Altar of God together again.
Fr. Dury
Thursday, April 1, 3:14pm
public mass suspended through may 3
My dear brothers and sisters,
In an effort to continue to reduce the impact of COVID-19 and in light of the extension of the "Stay at Home" order by Governor DeWine, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio have decided to extend the suspension of all public Masses until and including Sunday, May 3. I know this is a painful decision and please know that it pains me too, but this is all in an effort to save lives. I can't wait for that day when we can come back together as a family at the Altar of God and let's pray it comes soon!
I invite you to join us for our live-streaming Masses and liturgies on YouTube or Facebook Live. I apologize for the live-streaming technical difficulties and we are working with our internet service provider to address these issues. Hopefully, they'll be fixed in time for Mass and Adoration this evening at 7:00pm. Thank you for your patience.
Remember also to join us tomorrow for Mass at 7:00pm followed by Stations of the Cross and for Palm Sunday Mass at 11:00am.
Please know you are all in my prayers, especially those ill with the virus and for our healthcare workers.
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Wednesday, April 1st, 5:22pm
holy week and easter schedule
My dear brothers and sisters,
I wish to thank you all again for your prayers and support for one another, especially for those suffering with COVID-19 and for our healthcare workers. We are a strong and united parish family and it is truly beautiful to witness the love of Christ in you.
I would like to share with you some information regarding Holy Week Masses and liturgies that will be live-streamed.
- Palm Sunday, 11:00am - Holy Mass
- Monday, 11:00am - Holy Mass
- Tuesday, 11:00am - Holy Mass
- Wednesday, 11:00am - Holy Mass
The Sacred Paschal Triduum
- Holy Thursday, 7:00pm - Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper from St. Catharine
- Good Friday, 12:00 noon - Liturgy from St. Joseph's Cathedral
- Holy Saturday, 8:00pm - Easter Vigil Mass from St. Joseph's Cathedral
- Easter Sunday, 11:00am - Holy Mass from St. Catharine
I also wish to encourage you to participate in a diocesan wide mission Monday-Wednesday of Holy Week. Father Michael Kelly, Director of Spiritual Formation, from the Pontifical College Josephinum will be leading this. Here is the schedule of topics and where you can listen or watch the live-stream:
- Monday, April 6 - Our Response to This Particular Holy Week
- Tuesday, April 7 - The Evil that Challenged the Last Supper
- Wednesday, April 8 - The Blessed Virgin Mary Guiding Us Through Holy Week
Broadcasts each day at 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on St. Gabriel Radio, 820 AM
Live-stream at, Diocesan Facebook page, and Diocesan YouTube Channel. All the liturgies from St. Joseph Cathedral can be found at those same media outlets.
In addition, the Chrism Mass with Bishop Brennan from St. Joseph's Cathedral will be offered at 9:00am Thursday, April 9 and can be viewed or listened to via those same outlets listed above.
Easter Sunday Mass will be offered by Bishop Brennan at St. Joseph's Cathedral at 10:30am and can be seen on NBC4.
I hope that you will be able to joins us for these Holy Week liturgies. It is certainly a different Holy Week than we've ever experienced before, but let us strive to make it a fruitful one. Let us show our love for Christ and give Him thanks for dying and rising for us!
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Friday, March 27th, 10:00am
My dear brothers and sisters,
Bishop Brennan has called us to a day of prayer and penance. Perhaps today you spend time reading a small Gospel passage, or pray the Rosary. Perhaps you give up snacks or Netflix today. Think about some ways you might make this a holy day lifting up your prayer and sacrifice for those suffering with COVID-19.
Please remember to join the Holy Father today at 1:00pm for a special liturgy and an extraordinary blessing. You may be able to watch this on the various TV outlets, or at
You are also invited to join us for Holy Mass and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 7:00pm live on YouTube and Facebook
Remember also to tune in this Sunday at 11:00am for a live-streaming Mass and a special virtual tour of our parish center immediately following!
You continue to be in my prayers! Stay well my dear friends!
Fr. Dury
Monday, March 23rd, 2:39pm
My dear brothers and sisters,
I hope that you are doing well and staying healthy! Please know that you are in my prayers every day.
I wish to invite you to join us for our live-streaming liturgies and events this week. It is my hope that these will bring you some peace and strength. Go to to tune in.
Following Mass on Thursday evening we will be hosting a Q&A session. I invite you to send me your questions beginning today to my email at I will try to answer as many questions as I can.
Also, Pope Francis has asked us to join him this Friday beginning at 1pm (EDT) in prayer for a very special liturgy. You can find out more by clicking here. I am hoping this will be broadcast on cable news channels and on EWTN. We will send a link for live-stream viewing options later this week.
Below you will find this week's schedule:
- Monday, 7:00pm - Holy Mass
- Tuesday, 7pm-8pm - Mass followed by Adoration and Songs of Praise and Worship
- Wednesday, 7-8pm - Mass followed by Stations of the Cross
- Thursday, 7-8pm - Mass followed by Q&A
- Friday, 1:00pm - Liturgy with Pope Francis | 7:00pm - Holy Mass
On another note, I have to say how moved I was by the number of photos you all sent me this past week to put in the pews. It is a clear indication of how strong a family we are here at St. Catharine. I am excited to see you all again and hopefully soon!
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Saturday, March 21st, 11:35am
My dear brothers and sisters,
I wish to extend a special invitation to all of you to send us a photo of you and your family members for this Sunday's Mass. You can take a family selfie! I will then tape those photos on the pews, so that, while you can't be there in person, you can at least be present in some way.
I miss seeing your faces and hearing your voices at Mass. I know it is difficult for you not to be able to be there. It is my wish that this might help alleviate that pain in some way. Email the photos to
Please also send photos of family members who perhaps don't have familiarity with computers. We want to make sure all parishioners are a part of this. We're all one family and I'd like for as many to be a part of this as possible.
Remember to tune in to our live-streaming Sunday 11:00am Mass at the link above.
Please know of my continued prayers.
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Friday, March 20th, 10:29am
My dear brothers and sisters,
The Diocese of Columbus, in consultation from State health officials, and in light of the most recent restrictions and necessary precautions required for public spaces, have come to the determination that parishes are not equipped to meet those standards.
As such, it has been decided, for the sake of your physical well-being, to close off all access to churches and parish buildings. No one is permitted to enter into any of these buildings at any time.
I am very sorry for this news and it pains me as well. Please stay home and pray with your family and stay tuned in to our live-streaming Masses and liturgies on our YouTube page. We will do the best we can to bring you Christ. Together, with the intercession of Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, we will get through this trying time.
In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Wednesday, March 18th, 10:53am
daily mass livestream at 7:00pm • sunday mass at 11:00am
Please note that daily Masses will now be live-streamed at 7:00pm and not 8:30am as announced earlier. We have come to learn that last night, for our St. Patrick's Day Mass, families really enjoyed eating supper together, then sitting down to watch Mass together. I received several pictures and videos from families who did just that!
Please join us tomorrow at 7:00pm for Holy Mass as we celebrate the great Feast of St. Joseph! Go to our YouTube page to tune in. This is a Solemnity, so perhaps ice cream sundaes for the kids?
Sunday Mass will still be live-streamed at 11:00am, as this is our most populated Mass each week.
I also encourage families to take advantage of the FORMED web site which has a rich library of audiobooks, movies (children's films as well), documentary and digital books, including some about St. Joseph. It also has an audio Stations of the Cross.
It’s easy and free to register on this platform. Follow the steps below:
- Go to
- Click "Sign Up"
- Click "I belong to a Parish or Organization"
- Enter 8CDHQ3 (code is case sensitive) or just search for St. Catharine
- Fill in the necessary personal information and click "Sign Up"
Please know I pray for all of you each day. Please stay updated right here at
Yours In Christ,
Fr. Dury
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated on Friday, March 27th
Wednesday, March 18th, 3:50pm
What about Mass?
All public celebrations of Mass have been suspended at least through and including Easter. We will be live-streaming daily Masses at 7:00pm and on Sundays at 11:00am. We will try to live-stream Holy Week liturgies as well. You can go to our YouTube page to watch.
Will Confession be offered?
Yes. A schedule for confessions will be sent out soon. Please keep in mind that extraordinary care will have to be taken to limit the possibility of viral spread; hence, the outdoor confessions yesterday.
*March 27th Update: At this time time we are unable to offer the Sacrament of Confession.
Please read what Pope Francis counsels us to do in a time when we are unable to go to Confession.
What about receiving the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick?
As the Catechism of the Catholic Church notes, "This is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived." I will anoint anyone who fits this qualification, unless they are in a nursing home (I’m not allowed entry there for the time being).
If anyone is in need of Anointing of the Sick, please call 614-231-4509 and then press 4.
What about baptism?
Baptisms are still possible based on pastoral urgency. However, in order to limit any potential spread of the virus to a vulnerable population, only small, private family Baptisms with only immediate family and godparents attending are allowed.
What about funerals?
If at all possible, we ask that you schedule a memorial Mass at a time when the current restrictions are lifted. A shortened liturgy may be celebrated at the cemetery with immediate family members only, keeping in mind the call for social distancing. If a funeral Mass is celebrated, the attendees are limited to immediate family members only.
What about ministry to the sick and homebound?
All ordinary in person visits to the sick and homebound have stopped for the duration of this emergency. This is out of necessity for their protection. Ministers to the homebound are being encouraged to contact the homebound by telephone and they are offering other means to bring them comfort and support. We will be inviting people to write to the residents of nursing homes soon.
How can I continue to support our parish offertory if all our Masses are being cancelled?
May God bless you for your generous planning! You have several options to continue your offertory:
- Option #1: Mail in your pre-printed weekly offertory envelope to:
- St. Catharine Parish, 500 S. Gould Rd., Columbus, OH 43209. (Note: Your pre-printed Offertory envelopes came with only one mail-in envelope. If you will be mailing in your envelope on a weekly basis, you will need to use a larger mailing envelope to do this.)
- Option #2: Hand deliver your weekly offertory envelope to our safe and secure drop box at the parish office.
- Option #3: Head to and sign up for electronic giving. It’s safe, secure, and convenient.
- Option #4: Click the green icon in the lower right-hand corner.
My weekly offertory envelopes had one mailing envelope. Should I send back my offertory envelope in that?
Yes. Place the smaller offertory envelope inside that envelope. If you do this more than once, please use a business reply envelope and mail to us at the address above. The parish will also provide parishioners with a supply of pre-addressed return envelopes. Call (614) 231-4509 and leave a voicemail message requesting a supply.
How has the Covid-19 crisis affected our Parish Center building project?
So far, there has not been a disruption to the timeline and our construction crews continue to make very good progress! Since there is no weekly bulletin distribution, we will keep everyone apprised of our progress through the parish website and emails.
You're in my prayers,
Fr. Dury
Spiritual Communion
Whenever we are unable to receive the Eucharist the Church encourages us to make an act of “spiritual communion, where we unite ourselves to God through prayer. It is a beautiful way to express to God our desire to be united with him when we are unable to complete that union in the reception of Holy Communion.
Countless saints incorporated this type of prayer into their daily lives, not being satisfied with receiving Jesus in the Eucharist once a week or even once a day.
St. Josemaria Escriva encouraged everyone to make a spiritual communion as often as they could, “What a source of grace there is in spiritual communion! Practice it frequently and you’ll have greater presence of God and closer union with him in all your actions.”
St. Padre Pio also had a habit of making a spiritual communion throughout the day outside of the celebration of Mass. He desired to be always united with Jesus Christ in everything he did.
Below is a traditional prayer of spiritual communion that many saints have prayed over the years. It can be prayed if you find yourself at Mass unable to receive the Eucharist, or even in the midst of your daily work, lifting up your thoughts to God.