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Pro-Life Ministry

Defending and Supporting Life from the Womb to the Tomb

We are happy to announce the re-establishment of a dedicated Pro-Life Ministry at St. Catharine, devoted to supporting life at all ages and conditions!

Each month we will have a special event to support Life featuring a unique group:

  • the unborn
  • single parents
  • the elderly
  • the imprisoned
  • the differently-abled and more

Our first event will be “Sundae for your Sunday” Ministry Kick-off on Sunday September 25th after the 11am Mass in the Atrium. Come find resources for how to get involved, sign-up for our ministry emails and enjoy some delicious ice cream treats! 

Upcoming Events

Sundae for your sunday Pro life Kick-off

Sunday, September 25th

After 11:00am Mass

Our first event will be “Sundae for your Sunday” Ministry Kick-off in the Parish Center Gallery. Come find resources for how to get involved, sign-up for our ministry emails and enjoy some delicious ice cream treats! 

40 Days for Life

The next 40 Days for Life campaign runs from September 28th to November 6th.

Sign up for breaking news, devotionals, and prayers from 40 Days for Life at www.40daysforlife.com


Saturday, October 1st

Birthright, celebrating 50 years of helping moms-to-be is holding a celebration lunch/fundraiser on Saturday, October 1st from 11:00am-1:00pm at Mozarts in Clintonville. Lunch is $50 for adults and $20 for children with a silent auction and raffle.

If you're interested in tickets please contact Mary Jo Mayhan, 614-235-7465 or columbusohmain@birthright.org

Ohio March for Life

Wednesday, October 5th

This will be a statewide event drawing together friends and supporters from numerous organizations: the DC March for Life, Greater Columbus Right to Life, Citizens for Community Values, Ohio Right to Life, Susan B. Anthony List, many regional "Right to Life" organizations and affiliates, pregnancy centers, and more.

Visit https://www.gcrtl.org/march.html for more information.

Volunteer with Mommies Matter

Monday, October 13, 2022

Mommies Matter is a charitable organization that provides group and one-on-one mentoring support, as well as housing, educational, employment and financial assistance to brave, single, pregnant moms.

Mommies Matter is built on the principle that life is better when we do it together.

Join us virtually on October 13, 2022 at 3pm for a Volunteer Orientation to learn more about our mission and how you can join us in doing life with single moms. More information & location will be provided upon registration.

For more information or to RSVP visit www.mommiesmatter.org/volunteer