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CARE on Call

Explore how you can receive assistance or offer to help those in need

C.A.R.E. on Call

Christ's Arms Reaching Everyone

Need some help? Want to offer help? Christ's Arms Reaching Everyone is a network of parishioners helping parishioners and all of our neighbors. Our most common forms of assistance include meal trains, lawn care or household chores, budgeting or resume building, and support during an illness.

If you want to offer assistance or request some help, please fill out the form below or contact Lisa at lisareis06@gmail.com or Mary Ginn at maryginn11@gmail.com

Elderly and Homebound

This ministry is seeks to reach out to the elderly and shut- ins of our parish, to uphold dignity and independence of elders, and helping to ease the burden of care on families. Currently we are offering sacramental outreach to homebound parishioners, and we would like to expand this ministry to include weekly visits to shut-ins, the isolated elderly and disabled adults and those residing in near-by nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Volunteers will be needed to make calls or visits on a regular basis.

Contact: Mary Ann Reese & Marcia Horvath, marees120broadway@gmail.com


This ministry is an expression of sympathy from our parish when a parishioner has a death in the family. The bereavement coordinators contact the family of a deceased parishioner and offer condolences from the parish, and then arrange a funeral luncheon in the lower level if requested by the family. Volunteers in this ministry are needed to prepare and drop off food or help on the day of the luncheon.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

This ministry provides fellowship, food, rent, utility help and furniture assistance to members of our greater community who are in need. We serve several individuals and families each month who are referred to us, and each request is responded to personally through home visits, or if necessary, phone calls. Some of our ministries include: maintaining a food pantry for the delivery of emergency food, sandwich making for the St. Lawrence Haven food line and coordinating the parish Christmas giving tree program.

We meet to pray and discuss current needs and activities on the 2nd Sunday of each month after the 8:30 mass.

Contact: Denny Devine, givingtree@stcatharine.com

Respect Life Ministry

The mission of the Respect Life Ministry is to promote a greater respect and appreciation for the dignity and value of each human person from conception to natural death. The church teaches that every human person is worthy of dignity, respect and protection, because we are created in the image and likeness of God. Our focus is to uphold this teaching in our parish and community. If you would like to get involved with our quarterly baby showers for mothers in our community, volunteers are needed to decorate, prepare food, and - most importantly - attend the shower.

Contact: Caitlin Kemp, oneilc8@gmail.com

Post-Abortion Healing

Bethesda Healing Ministry is a Catholic Christian Ministry of hospitality and healing. Through a community of love and acceptance, all men and women suffering the effects of an abortion are invited and supported.

For women struggling with the grief and remorse of a past abortion experience, regret, shame, anger, and sadness all come to the surface and can lead to depression, fatigue, loneliness, isolation, and overall malaise. If you or someone you know are suffering through a past abortion experience, there is help and hope at Bethesda Healing Ministry, a Catholic lay ministry dedicated to helping women and men navigate the waters of healing.

Please call 614-309-0157 to speak confidentially with a caring and loving advocate.