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Information and forms for Baptism and Godparents

St. Catharine is upgrading its Baptism preparation to a more integrated and family centered formation program to facilitate a deeper understanding of Baptism and a more intimate connection to Jesus.

This involves attending two sessions with each being held on the 1st Sunday of the Month after the 8:30am Mass

You are encouraged to attend the classes any time while the mother is pregnant.


We are so excited to officially welcome you or your child into the the Body of Christ!

If you are interested in being baptized or having your child baptized at St. Catharine, please complete the following inquiry form.

You will then be contacted to register for the preparation class.

Baptisms at St. Catharine typically take place on Sunday following the 11:00 am Mass.

Parents are asked to pay $25 for the baptism class, which is payable at the first meeting. This covers 50% of the cost of the materials that we use, and that you take with you. The suggested baptism offering to the priest or deacon who presides at the baptism is $40. If paying these amounts causes any financial difficulty please be assured that you can still attend the class and the baptism will take place.


Please read carefully before choosing godparents.

In your unique role as Catholic parents, the Church's intention is for you to have assistance in bringing your child up in the Faith. To this end, Godparents have been a part of the Sacrament of Baptism since the earliest times of the Church. 

While it is an honor to be a child's godparent, the primary motivation in choosing who should be your child's godparents should not be to simply honor a close friend or relative. For a godparents' role is to be a witness and guide to the truths and graces of Christ's Church.

For this reason, a godparent must be an active practicing Catholic.  This means that, at the minimum, a godparent MUST be:

  • A fully initiated Catholic (has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist).
  • Registered at a Catholic parish.
  • If married, married in the Catholic Church.
  • Someone who strives to live a moral Catholic life.

This is Church Canon Law and cannot be altered.

Were you asked to be a godparent at another parish?

Scroll past the Baptism Inquiry From for more information.

Baptism Inquiry Form

Were you asked to be a godparent at another parish?

If you are a registered parishioner at St. Catharine, but wish to be a godparent for a baptism taking place at another parish, please fill out the following form and send it to the parish office.




St. Catharine Church

500 S Gould Rd

Columbus, OH 43209

We will then send it to the parish where the baptism will take place.

Have questions?