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"Overwhelmed by Beauty" Advent Parish Mission

With Fr. Patrick Schultz • Sunday, November 27th - Tuesday, November 29th

Night 1
Night 2
Night 3

Overwhelmed by Beauty

Sunday, November 27th - Tuesday, November 29th

Join us for a 3-night Advent Parish Mission, delivered by Fr. Patrick Schultz, designed to reawaken wonder and awe in the hearts of the faithful.

Talks will be giving in the Parish Center

Childcare will be provided

SUN, NOV 27th



  • The place of encounter with God is in our hearts, and most of us are not in touch with our hearts; this night is aimed at awakening and stirring our hearts’ longing for the infinite by seeing the sign language of God’s infinite Beauty all around us.

MON, NOV 28th



  • Provides a new lens to see the truth of our design, desires, and destiny by exploring scripture, the story of creation, the fall, and Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection through the lens of God’s tireless pursuit of our hearts and desire for ultimate union with us in heaven.

TUES, NOV 29th



  • The concluding night of this mission invites us to respond to God’s invitation to draw near to His heart and to experience prayer with a new vulnerability and openness.

*Note: There is regular daily Mass at 7:00pm

Free and open to all people of good will.

About Fr. Patrick Schultz

Fr. Patrick Schultz was ordained for service to the Diocese of Cleveland on May 21st, 2016. He first served as parochial vicar at Communion of Saints parish in Cleveland Heights, and currently serves as parochial vicar at Sacred Heart of Jesus parish in Wadsworth, OH. Fr. Patrick holds a M.A. and M.Div. from St. Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology in 2016 where he wrote his master’s thesis: “Viri Dignitatem: On the Vocation and Dignity of Men.”

He has served as chaplain for the Theology of the Body Institute, both for courses and pilgrimages. He serves as chaplain for the Cleveland chapter of Legatus, and can be heard on two different podcasts: Slaking Thirsts and The Way of Wonder, a podcast from the Theology of the Body Institute.