Women's Summer 2024 Retreat

"Jesus, Our Wellspring of Living Water" • Saturday, August 10th

Jesus, Our Wellspring of Living Water

Saturday, August 10th


Join us for our Women's Ministry Mini Retreat, themed "Jesus, Our Wellspring of Living Water."

This enriching event will delve into the profound lessons from the story of the Woman at the Well, exploring how Jesus offers us the living water that quenches our deepest spiritual thirst.

We will also reflect on the Catholic teaching of the feminine genius, celebrating the unique gifts and strengths of women. Come and be refreshed in your faith and fellowship with other women in our community.

Saturday, August 10th, 8:30am-12:00pm

St. Catharine Parish Center




8:30am:Registration, Breakfast, & Intro to Small Group

9:45am: Praise and Worship

10:00am: Keynote Speaker - Monica Welsh

10:45am: Small Group Discussion

11:15am: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

11:40am: Prayer Intentions and Closing


Sandra Grieshop • ssgrieshop@icloud.com
