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OSV Online Giving

Manage your weekly giving, make a one-time gift, pay a fee or other payment

A Secure & Convenient Way to Contribute to Your Parish

Online donations may be made at any time from the comfort of your own home or any place with internet access. Online donations are credited to your tax statement for the end of the year (except when made anonymously), and you can change your account preferences and donation amounts at any time. Benefits of Online Giving include:

  • No need to hassle with checks or cash
  • 24/7 web based access
  • Easily schedule recurring donations to coincide with your pay period
  • Credit card option allows you to take advantage of rewards such as air miles or cash bonuses
  • No need to share bank account information because you enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site
  • Allows you to give even if you are unable to attend parish services
  • Contribution amount is easily adjusted as needed
  • Option to remain anonymous

How do I get started?

1. Create A New Account

2. Enter Your Account Information

Login Information

The User ID must be 6-12 characters and contain both letters and numbers (such as smith78). The password you choose must be 8-16 characters and contain letters, numbers and at least one symbol such as !, @, & or *. Do not enter information for the Registration Code as that is for account administrators only.

Personal & Address Information

The e-mail address must be unique. You cannot use the same e-mail address for two different User IDs. Be sure to enter information in all boxes marked with a red asterisk (*).

Security Code

Fill in the code that is generated in the box at the bottom of your screen before clicking submit.

Click the Submit button

An e-mail will be sent to you confirming your new account and User ID.

3. Confirm Your New Account

Open the email that confirms your account and click on the link at the top of the e-mail. This will confirm your account so that you have access to log in. If the link does not work, copy and paste it into the browser’s address bar.

Once you click on this link, you will be taken back to the Parish Online Giving login page.

4. Log In To Your Account

Enter your User ID and Password in the Existing User Login section and continue setting up your account.

You will need to enter information for the bank account you wish to use for your donations. Once that information is entered, you can then set up donations for the Sunday Collection and the other funds listed on the site.