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Fill a Plate This Lent

Help to Provide Food for those in Need

Fill a plate for our neighbors

"Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."

Matthew 25:40

Two Ways to Help

Purchase items on the suggested list, double bag them in paper bags, and place them on top of the wooden collection boxes at the Church entrances. You can make a bag of the essential items or purchase multiple quantities of individual items.

Make a donation to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and we will purchase the food to give to the needy. Please put your donation in an envelope marked "SVDP Fill a Plate" and place it in the collection basket or mail/drop at the Church office any time.

Suggested items

  • Cans of fruit
  • Cans of vegetables Soup
  • Cans of tuna or chicken
  • Pasta and sauce
  • Cans of whole meals (chili, pasta, stews)
  • Mac and Cheese
  • Cereal
  • Crackers

No glass please

Pop top cans preferred


Questions? Contact Denny Devine at denny.devine@gmail.com